


Writing ; whether writing on a website or a blog or merely on a piece of a paper is just an expression of one's thought and yes, of course, we start expressing ourselves in some manner which leads us to express ourselves in writing.
Yes, we all write , no matter how much we like it or not , but we do write . When as a growing kid we used to see someone with some books or writing something, we got normally fascinated with those writing articles and started scribbling on any page we find or play with colours to draw here and there on the walls , on tables , chairs and anything that we found nearby . That was so fascinating , wasn't it !


It is very well expressed in LANGUAGE EVOLUTION that 
"History is impossible without the written word as one would lack context in which to interpret physical evidence from the ancient past. Writing records the lives of a people and so is the first necessary step in the written history of a culture or civilization."

As we all know writing is an integral part of our lives and surely has some very deep rooted history .
As stated in WIKIPEDIA (link is attached), the origination of writing is in Mesopotamia and spread all over the world slowly by diffusing in different cultures and religions .


A system of writing is more of a way of expressing verbal communication which is eventually one of the dependable sources of storing informations and then carrying it forward to the next generations coming in future .
Here on, we will understand that there are mainly three ways of classifying writing systems around the world for major part of classification .
1. Alphabetical Classification
2. Syllabic Classification
3. Logography

First, we will look into alphabetical type of classification ;

1. Alphabetical Classification : This type of classification comprises symbols which are called as alphabets .
These alphabets (symbols) have some specific sounds which distinguishes them from eachother .
These alphabets when used individually actually exert no meaning unless they are put together in some meaningful combination . (Exception : An alphabet ' I ' meaning a person who is in picture singularly) .

Example : If we take a word 'WORLD' meaning the entire earth with all its countries and people .
Here, as it can be understood that the individual alphabets like W, O, R, L, D when used separately will not produce any meaning, but when they are put together in more meaningful combination , they form word 'WORLD' producing a meaning as mentioned above .

Here is a very fun-excercise for all of you,
Question : How many meaningful words can be made using the alphabets W, O, R, L, D ?
Share your answer in the comment section below .

Let's move to the second type of classification ;

2. Syllabic Classification :
                 Syllable, a unit of speech sound, considered as the building block of words .
                  Syllabic Consonant, a consonant that forms the nucleus of a syllable .
Writing system which uses symbols for syllabus is termed as Syllabary .

Example : Let’s have an example to understand it better ;

If we take a word Rhythm .

The second syllable is not stressed, and it’s pretty short as well. (Mostly, in ordinary rapid speech, that second syllable doesn’t have a vowel in it at all) .

Our articulators go right from [ð] sound at the end of the first syllable into the [m] sound. The [m] itself becomes the nucleus of the syllable. It is said to be a syllabic consonant, and we use a special notation to transcribe it: [ɹɪðm̩] .

We can see a little vertical line below the [m] symbol — that’s called a diacritic .

Diacritics are special additional notations which gives extra information about the sounds. That vertical line is the diacritic for a syllabic consonant .

Here, we are giving another fun-question so that you test on your own,
Question : The word elbow is spelled with the letters ‘el’.
Say the two words to yourself several times. Which do you find the correct transcription for elbow ?
  • [l̩boʊ].
  • [ɛlboʊ].
Share your answers in the below comment section .

Now, it's time for us to move to the third type of classification ;
3. Logography : It is a correct combination of letter, symbol or sign to represent entire word or phrase in more meaningful manner. Logography is sometime also called as Logogram .

Example : The logogram used for representing the official currency of United States of America is ' $ ' and even most of official currencies in the world use Logograms to represent them worldwide .

Here is another fun-excercise for all of you in order to increase your knowledge about Logograms or Logography .
Question : Find out the logograms used in Mathematics and which are the Logograms used for percentage, and, at ?
Share your answers in comment section below to know what others are thinking .

Till now, we have come across many valuable informations about Writing Systems and their classification .

This is very important to understand that writing systems had to take too many years of precessing and thinking to conceptualise in reality, but before that, spoken languages were the part of our lives .
So, understandably, spoken languages have evolved to writing system and helped us to store and pass the vital information to next generations coming year after year .


Human brain has always been resourceful as it has been delivering many mind-blowing inventions, techniques and many more things that can't be mentioned in just one-go .
Researchers at John Hopkins, Rice and Columbia University share that Written and Spoken Languages can exist separately in the brain .

Researchers took 5 stroke pentients suffering from Aphasia.
Aphasia is an impairment of language, affecting the production or comprehension of speech and the ability to read or write . This disorder is caused due to an injury  This injury may be the result of a stroke (cerebral vascular accident), brain tumour, Braun infection, neurodegenerative disease such as dementia .
Researchers found that 1 out of 5 patients could write but unable to speak and other 4 could successful speak but unable to write. This experiment indicates that wirtten and spoken languages can co-exist in the brain .

Just like Human Brain, our physical structure have also played an important role in contributing to our developments in writing .
One important physical structure that we can talk about here is our hand structure or the position of our thumb .

Since the generation of human life on earth, human had developed from primates and our primates or ancestors were not bipedal , but as the evolution was taking place slowly with the time, our primates started moving to use more of their frontal limbs for some work and after many year of evolution, our primates became bipedal.
This evolution of becoming bipedal from qudra-pedal has been most remarkable and one very precise incident that have been held responsible for an significant growth in the human life.
We will discuss this part in our blog on this topic which will be released berry soon for all of you my dear readers .

I am very excited to share such a remarkable journey our ancestors till here and we'll sure touch upon few more topics how historically writing have evolved through different cultures and religions .

So, here below in the comment section share your email-ids who wants the notification in their email box before we publish our next post under the same topic .
We will also be sending out notification to our constant readers about our others blogs and where we will be discussing and sharing very important information about many things.

So, friends , this is just beginning and I can assure you that we are going to learn many things among us .
Your suggestions in the comment section is welcomed .

Thanks for being here and Wish you happiness & health .


  1. It is very comprehensive knowledge about writing. Nicely put together information.

  2. Thanks for the knowledge sir it's really awesome 👍

    1. Thanks for rating and look for our new blogs .


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